Sunday, January 30, 2005


"There are also billions of people who allegedly follow "logical" paths that take them to opposing positions. One person's "logic" is another person's "lunacy.""

Note how you put the words "logic" and "logical" in quotation marks. Quotes imply that the word is not what it really means in the sentence. You are talking about fake logic here or wrong logic. And I agree with you. But true logic with solid starts is a very good way to get to a solid conclusion. That's how we have satellites in orbit and open heart surgery.

If their, the rocket scientists and cardiac surgeons, logic was lunacy then we'd see big pieces of metal constantly falling out ofthe sky and lots of mutilated patients. You can tell by their fruit...

"And logic may be a good way of convincing yourself, but don'texpect to convince everyone else."

No, actually logic is an excellent way to convince other people. If not, why the hell do we have a legal system full of pointless judges and juries?

"And it is is faith that gives many purpose, hope and comfort. Would you trust a mathematician to give your dying father comfort in his last moments on this planet?"

If you want to know what is real, you follow logic. If you want to feel good, you follow faith. Oftentimes what is real doesn't give people comfort.

"It's not an all or nothing proposition. Reason and logic are compeling tools that bring us advancement and order. But faith also gives us something of value - or at least it gives MANY people something of value. So to dismiss it blithely is both arrogant and, perhaps, irrational."

It's irrational to dismiss the irrational? Interesting.

Suppose I have unfaltering faith that the coffee stain on my table is the one God and if I bring it sugar cookies every morning I can be certain of unlimited bliss after I die. This faith in the Coffee Stain God gives me so much pleasure and a goal in life. Am I one of the faithful you admire - or am I a nut

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