Sunday, August 14, 2005

New Tisha B'av Film

I had an idea for a film. Imagine a quality modern motion picture was made depicting the Great Jewish Revolt against Rome, or even one showing the Babylonian invasion. I'm not talking about one of those crappy movies with the bad music and sound, but a good movie on par with the cinematography of something like Troy.

They could focus on either famous personalities, or a common family, or maybe something else. But it would have to a down to earth, realistic with all the facts of the time accurate by employing the skills of scholars and historians. It could be done with such skill and emotional impact that it could be the next prize movie for Tisha B'av rivaling the long time favorite of Schindler's List.

Do you think Hollywood would go for it? I think they could market it well with all the interest shown in Biblical stories as proven by Mel Gibson.

They would be epic battle movies, which always draw viewers, but it would have a realistic sad emotional ending that so few movies are willing to go to nowadays. No, things don't always turn out alright.

I would definitely see it.


  1. Or how about a movie version of the Bar Kokhba rebellion?

  2. Steg,

    That would also be interesting. If it was feasible, I'd love to see a whole series of films going through chunks of important Jewish history.

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  6. Goddamit, is there any way of blocking these jerks?

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