Sunday, September 04, 2005

Katrina and Speaking for God

So the Rabbi of my shul this past Shabbos makes a speech saying how Katrina is God's punishment on America for Bush urging Sharon for Israel to disengage from Gaza.

Sure. But as my dad said, it really makes you wonder what the folks of New Orleans did to deserve such a punishment.


  1. May I suggest a metaphysical connection between cajun gumbo and filafel topping "charif" sauce. They are both quite spicy, need I say more?

    If you followed that argument with a strongly stated, "hamavin yavin", roughly fifty percent of the orthodox community would nod their heads in agreement. Yeah, I'm mavin, I yavin.

    Do you sometimes despair at the fire and brimstone speeches of the community you are at least outwardly a part of?

    I know I do.

    My Rabbi this week said this act of god was a punishment for lack of comunal activism in new orleans. While at least this had a liberal community oreinted feel to it, it still makes me cringe to watch the audience around me, my freinds, nod in knowing approval as they affirm, what is in their minds, gods mass murder of the partialy civic.

  2. The most bizzare thing is that the people who usually give these punishment explanations are also the ones who believe in hashgacha pratis, that each leaf falls to cover the ant and so on. These two ideas completely contradict each other. But anyway, the one I like is KATrina=KATif. I wonder what all the women named Katrina think of that one.

  3. ovadia yosef has now come up with his usual bollocks ...

  4. Ovadia Yosef is a typical fundamentalist loudmouth. His opinions don't surprise me at all.

  5. it makes me wonder what sins we have committed that we have to listen to all this bullshit from these "rabbis"
