Saturday, October 22, 2005

Foibles and Oddities

I've been tagged by the great Jewish Atheist to write about my own weird quirks and personal idiosyncrasies, so here goes:

1. I bite my nails. Not as a nervous habit, but as a determined method for cutting them. Sometimes I get a little zealous though.

2. In my wardrobe I have either t-shirts and jeans or a suit. I have no middle dress-casual.

3. I often have my television on, but I'm rarely looking at it.

4. On a related notion, one show I do watch is the Simpsons for which I hold complete loyalty and it kills me that they are being displaced in the public's eye by the newfangled Family Guy (which I also like, but still!).

5. I can't stand being in pointless yes/no arguments. If we're ever arguing about something and I can't prove it one way or the other based on the knowledge I already have, I'm always running to a computer to do a quick google search.

6. My room is always a mess...and you'd scream if you saw my bathroom.

7. I like driving, but I have a pretty awful sense of direction.

8. I actually really hate shopping. I will wear clothes that are worn out and have holes in them and I don't care.

9. I shave maybe once a week.

10. I will stay up extremely late (think when the wee hours start turning into real hours) and then complain all day about being tired. And, no, I never learn.

So basically, all the above makes me your general, run of the mill, college bum. ;-)

I am now tagging forward to Wolf, Ben Avuyah, and Sarah, but we'll have to wait and see if they're willing to go down to this level of blogging.


  1. Anyone know what happened to Sarah?

  2. J,

    Oh, she's around, she just doesn't really like blogging very much lately.

  3. But you forgot two're alway right but everything is still your fault;) But remember, I always win!!

    monkey pants

  4. it is great to hear about the blogger behind the blog -- i think all bloggers should give us some portrait of their lives. It is really a nice touch that is still very rare. thanks. tuvia
