Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Not His Finest Hour

"A woman who studies Torah is rewarded, but not as much as a man is, for the reason that she has not been commanded to learn. Anyone who does something voluntarily is not rewarded as much as someone who is obligated to do it is. Even though she is rewarded for learning, the Sages commanded that one should not teach Torah to one's daughter, for the reason that most women don't have the mentality for learning, and they think of Torah matters as being nonsensical. The Sages said that teaching one's daughter Torah is like teaching her trivialities. This is talking only about the Oral Torah, but one nevertheless shouldn't teach her the Written Torah either, but if one did it is not like teaching her trivialities."

- The Rambam, Hilchot Yiseodei Hatorah



    The real story of Slifkin that GH and Gil Student refuse to allow on their sites.

    (Don't bother tracking my IP. I am using anonymizer) z

  2. I like to think Rambam didnt know any better

  3. Prince,

    Sorry I took so long to respond, but I've been rather busy in the real world this week.

    "Why he rules that way is simply not interesting to me because it has nothing to do whatsoever with modern life. It was a social convention and is not from the Torah."

    That may be, but there are those who _do_ take it as Torah-true and it is for those that this post is intended. You may excuse yourself from this group if you choose to. But in general my post is directed to those hardy people with strong emunat-chachamim. Even the greatest rabbi was still just human and was capable of error.

  4. Shtern,

    I'm not saying that Maimonides was immoral, just pointing out that he was human and was capable of error. I'm not judging his whole person, or even judaism in general, just this one statement.

  5. Enigma and Prince,

    "Tiflut" is discussed on Sotah 21b. Rashi does understand the word as immorality: "Through [study] she understands how to be crafty, and is able to sin without [it] being revealed."

    Rambam (who we are discussing here) however, in his commentary of he same spot says that tiflut is defined as "vanities and parables," which is more along the lines of how it is translated in the original post.

  6. most women . . . think of Torah matters as being nonsensical.

    Apparently they were more perceptive about gemara than the men back then.
