Sunday, December 18, 2005

35th World Zionist Congress; Vote!

Register to vote in the 35th World Zionist Congress here. Internet registration is available until February 15th and votes will be taken until February 28th.

Don't know who to vote for?: Current platforms.

To be eligible to register you must agree with the Jerusalem Program which's stated goals are:

-The unity of the Jewish people, its bond to its historic homeland Eretz Yisrael, and the centrality of the State of Israel and Jerusalem, its capital, in the life of the nation;
-Aliyah to Israel from all countries and the effective integration of all immigrants into Israeli Society.
-Strengthening Israel as a Jewish, Zionist and democratic state and shaping it as an exemplary society with a unique moral and spiritual character, marked by mutual respect for the multi-faceted Jewish people, rooted in the vision of the prophets, striving for peace and contributing to the betterment of the world.
-Ensuring the future and the distinctiveness of the Jewish people by furthering Jewish, Hebrew and Zionist education, fostering spiritual and cultural values and teaching Hebrew as the national language;
-Nurturing mutual Jewish responsibility, defending the rights of Jews as individuals and as a nation, representing the national Zionist interests of the Jewish people, and struggling against all manifestations of anti-Semitism;
-Settling the country as an expression of practical Zionism.

This has been a public service anouncement.


  1. curious ... what platform did you vote under?

  2. Sarah,

    Well, actually, I haven't voted yet. Though I'm leaning away from those parties with obviously pushy religious intentions, Herut scares me, and the socialist ones just rub me the wrong way.

    So I'm down to three or four that I'm still considering. I need to learn more.
