Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I'm Back!

I'm back from my first trip to Israel. It was a real blast. I went with Birthright and got to see all over the country. Then I stayed awhile afterwards and met a mess of family. Israel is great! I'll post a few interesting stories from my trip later on when I get settled back into daily life but for now this is just a heads up to any and all of my readers who were wondering what happened to me.


  1. Welcome back, buddy. Glad you had fun.

  2. Welcome back, orthoprax, I remember the last time I went to Israel and met the numerous members of my israeli family...they made me eat hotdogs that tasted funny...

    Hope your experience was better!

  3. Thanks all, the trip was great, but it's good to be back. One day soon though I'd like to visit again. So many things that I have yet to see.
