Sunday, December 17, 2006

Megillat Chashmonaim

This is pretty fascinating stuff.

It's not the history that I know about Chanukah, but it is a peek into the historical comprehension as it existed back in the Middle Ages (although Sadyah Gaon apparently claimed it dates back all the way to the sons of Matityahu).

Relevant Jewish Encyclopedia article.


  1. What struck me the most the first time I read Megillat Hashmonaiim was the matter of fact way it described Yohanan ben Matityahu, after assassinating Nicanor, killing an additional 2700 people, apparently unassisted. This is rather impressive, to say the least.

  2. Eh, if he had used the jawbone of an ass to do the job then maybe I would have been impressed.

  3. I like the part where elazar gets lost in the dung. You just don't get that same kind of exiting dung clifhanger adpect of stories in the modern world. Shame...

  4. I tried hitting the link and didn't get the Megillas Chamonaim, could you write out the link so that I can copy and paste it?


  5. In this story I didn't understand which was exactly the matter with Nicanor I'd like to know a little bit more about that fact.
