Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Carter and Hamas, BFF

Hmm, should Israel follow Carter's lead?

אִישׁ חָמָס יְפַתֶּה רֵעֵהוּ וְהוֹלִיכוֹ בְּדֶרֶךְ לֹא-טוֹב

"A man of Hamas entices his neighbor and leads him on a way that is not good."
- Proverbs 16:29

I always found it an ironic coincidence that Hamas would choose a name for themselves that was so apropo.


  1. Funny. Just last night, Carter was on Charlie Rose and said specifically, that Israel's military operation are terrorist actions.

  2. Hilarious. He was also on the Daily Show. What nice things did he say about rocket attacks?

  3. He said they were heinous and wrong. But when Charlie Rose asked him if there was moral equivalency between both sides, he says anytime innocent civilians die, that is a terrorist attack.

  4. I just watched the show. He played the numbers game - as if more casualties demonstrates moral equivalency. He also said Israel has shown no sign of giving up land or wanting peace - as if the events of 2005 never happened. And he played dumb when asked how often Hamas broke ceasefires.

    Thank you Mr. Carter for lending legitimacy to a terrorist group and running Israel's name through the mud, as if Israel doesn't get that enough already.

  5. Carter is an ignorant redneck when it comes to the Jews. He feels for the Arabs because as a Southerner he knows what it's like to be defeated. Get over it Jimmy the Civil War is over and you guys lost. Tough.

    Orthoprax can you please ask XGH to lift his moronic ban on me. He's so scared that he bans. The ego maniacal space cadet.

  6. Forget rocket attacks. What did Carter say about the attack at the Merkaz HaRav yeshiva? Almost everyone injured or dead in that attack were under the age of eighteen, and oh, right THEY WERE IN SCHOOL AT THE TIME, not, you know, defending an outpost or invading an Arab village or something.

    I think no one takes Carter seriously, though. The fact that he was on the Daily Show kind of supports that idea.

  7. RG,

    I don't know why you think I have some special relationship with GH so that he'll do what I tell him.


    I think people do take him seriously but that has nothing to do with the Daily Show. Many people of great merit and importance have been guests - including all three presidential candidates. I think McCain has some sort of record on the number of times he's been a guest.

  8. A few verses (16:29) earlier seems to fit Carter well:

    "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death."

    (Wow, it hurts when I self-reflect and apply this verse to myself.)

  9. And the last verse is a perfect rejoinder to atheistic evolution:

    בַּחֵיק יוּטַל אֶת-הַגּוֹרָל, וּמֵיְהוָה כָּל-מִשְׁפָּטוֹ

    I like Proverbs. It and Pirkei Avot are like our collective Jewish version of Confucius.

  10. orthoprax-
    "Many people of great merit and importance have been guests - including all three presidential candidates. I think McCain has some sort of record on the number of times he's been a guest."

    Yeah but that's not the point. John Stuart invites people on to his show to make fun of them. I think the potential for mockery in Carter's case is pretty clearly not in quite the same spirit as with the presidential candidates....

  11. Tobie,

    I watched the show when he was on. There wasn't much mocking of Carter.

    Indeed, the candidates get mocked much much more.

  12. "Orthoprax said...

    I don't know why you think I have some special relationship with GH so that he'll do what I tell him."

    Well ask him anyway. It may not take much for the big ham. Considering how he is incapapable of doing anything beyond reaching conclusions based on lack of bothering to actually check out data I seriously wonder why I bother. All he talks about is supposed bias and supposed lack of data. The thought of actually bothering to find out if there is something to discuss is lacking. If he can't comprehend something no one is allowed. Just ask the ham. I probably won't post much to begin with on his comatose site.

  13. Interesting how the far-leftist Carter thinks he can just invent new definitions of the term "terrorism." Postmodern liberals forget that the term actually has a definition already, and they can't just call everything and its brother "terrorism" to equate every single thing in the world that exists.
